Saturday, 28 November 2009
Oscar Wilde Quotes
Song Worksheet
"High (Forever You And Me)" (Lighthouse Family)
"Beautiful" (By Carole King)
You've got to get up every morning with a smile on your face / And show the world all the love in your heart / Then people gonna treat you better / You're gonna find, yes, you will / That you're beautiful as you feel
"Don't Stop Believing" - Glee - cover
Fun House (By Pink)
Tuesday, 17 November 2009
Oscar Wilde

Friday, 13 November 2009
Para que estudar inglês?
(“As mentes são como pára-quedas, só funcionam quando abertas”)
Lord Thomas Robert Dewar
É quando o objeto de uma oração direta passa a ser sujeito de uma oração indireta.
Regra Geral: Para passar uma oração para a voz passiva, coloca-se o verbo to be no mesmo tempo verbal do verbo principal da oração na ativa, que é necessariamente passado para o particípio.
Simple Present: am/is/are (not)
Simple Past: was/were (not)
Future: will be
Present Continuous: is/are being + PARTICIPLE
Past Continuous: was/were being ex: done, taken, grown, etc.
Conditional: would/may be
Present Perfect: has/have been
Past Perfect: had been
Voz ativa |
Voz passiva |
writes (simple present) |
is/are written |
is/are writing (present continuous) |
is/are being written |
wrote (simple past) |
was/were written |
was/were writing (past continuous) |
was/were being written |
have/has written (present perfect) |
has/have been written |
had written (past perfect) |
had been written |
would write (conditional) |
would be written |
will write (fututre) |
will be written |
EXEMPLOS (primeiramente na voz ativa, em seguida na voz passiva):
1) They will write that letter. (Eles escreverão aquela carta).
That letter will be written by them. (Aquela carta será escrita por eles).
* Note que ambas as orações são compostas da seguinte forma: Sujeito+Verbo+Objeto, e o que é objeto em uma é sujeito na outra.
2) Somebody cleans the office every day. (Alguém limpa o escritório todo dia).
The office is cleaned every day. (O escritório é limpo todo dia).
* Note a mudança do verbo, na oração na voz ativa o verbo se encontra apenas no Simple Present, já na voz passiva existe uma locução verbal entre o verbo to be no presente e o verbo principal “clean” no particípio “cleaned”.
3) Somebody cleaned the office yesterday. (Alguém limpou o escritório ontem).
The office was cleaned yesterday. (O escritório foi limpo ontem).
* O mesmo exemplo, porém no passado.
4) People have watched the World Cup. (As pessoas assitiram a Copa do Mundo).
The World Cup have been watched. (A Copa do Mundo foi assistida).
* Note, que neste caso não há necessidade de inserir “by people” (pelas pessoas) na voz passiva.
5) Picasso paintend “Guernica”. (Picasso pintou “Guernica”).
“Guernica” was painted by Picasso. (“Guernica” foi pintada por Picasso).
6) South Africa produces about half of the world’s gold. (A África do Sul produz cerca de metade do ouro do mundo).
About half of the world’s gold is produced by South Africa. (Cerca de metade do ouro do mundo é produzida pela África do Sul).
7) Anyone can plant a tree. (Qualquer um pode plantar uma árvore).
A tree can be planted by anyone. (Uma árvore pode ser plantada por qualquer um).
8) Shakespeare wrote “Romeo and Juliet”. (Shakespeare escreveu “Romeu e Julieta”).
“Romeo and Juliet” was written by Shakespeare. (“Romeu e Julieta” foi escrito por Shakespeare).
9) Somebody is painting the door. (Alguém está pintando a porta).
The door is being painted. (A porta está sendo pintada).
Adapted from:
- Put in the correct form of the verb in Passive into the gaps. Use the verb and the tense given in brackets.
Example: Peter ..................... a letter. (to write - Simple Present)
Answer: A letter is written by Peter.
1) The words ..................... by the teacher today. (to explain - Simple Present)
2) We ..................... a letter the day before yesterday. (to send - Simple Past)
3) This car ..................... . It's too old. (not/to steal - will-future)
4) This street ..................... because of snow. (already/to close - Present Perfect)
5) A new restaurant ..................... next week. (to open - will-future)
6) He ..................... to the party yesterday. (to invite - Simple Past)
7) The blue box ..................... . (can/not/to see - Simple Present)
8) I ..................... the book by my friend last Sunday. (to give - Simple Past)
9) The dishes ..................... by my little brother. (not/to wash - Present Perfect)
10) I ..................... by Robert. (not/to ask - will-future)
"HERO" (By: Enrique Iglesias)
Would you tremble / If I touched your lips? / Would you laugh? / Oh please tell me this. / Now would you die / For the one you love? / Hold me in your arms tonight.
I can be your hero, baby. / I can kiss away the pain. / I will stand by you forever. / You can take my breath away.
Would you swear / That you'll always be mine? / Would you lie? / Would you rub in mind?
Am I in too deep? / Have I lost my mind? / Well,I don't care you're here tonight.
I can be your hero baby. / I can kiss away the pain. / I will stand by you forever. / You can take my breath away.
Oh, I just wanna hold you. / I just wanna hold you. / Am I in too deep? / Have I lost my mind? / Well, I don't care you're here tonight.
I can be your hero baby. / I can kiss away the pain. / I will stand by you forever. / You can take my breath away.
I can be your hero baby. / I can kiss away the pain. / I will stand by you forever. / You can take my breath away. / You can take my breath away.
I can be your hero.
She carries her books, melancholy
She doesn't listen to her teachers,
She doesn't put up her hand to participate on the lesson,
She even sleeps behind her book, which she has put on her desk,
Suddenly the teacher says to separate the tables,
The girl doesn't understand why it is so noisy now,
Why she can't sleep quietly?
Aahh, ok, they are writing a maths exam now,
She didn't study for it,
Why should she study for it?
She doesn't need good marks to live,
The girl watches the test paper doubtful,
She doesn't understand anything,
She isn't interested in,
She scrawls some notes on it,
She hands over the examination,
And sleeps behind the books again,
After school she goes home,
She doesn't do her homework,
Does she even have homework?
She is not interested in,
She is going to the disco now,
That is more important than school,
On next day she goes to school,
She is late,
But she is not interested in,
Why should she come punctual?
She is tired, because she went late to home,
She decides to sleep,
Again behind her book
The teacher gives the tests back,
But she is sleeping,
It's noisy,
It's really outrageous,
She can't sleep well,
She gets her test,
She is not interested in,
She only sees red lines and rings,
What does it mean?
She is not interested in,
She fells asleep,
Later on,
She doesn't have a job,
Why should she work?
She is not interested in,
The girl has a thought,
She is 40 years old now,
She regrets something,
Why she didn't concentrate well on her studies?
Why she didn't pay attention on the lessons?
Why she didn't apply for jobs?
She made a big mistake,
She missed many things in her life,
She didn't find the seriousness in her life,
She says now,
Concentrate well on your studies,
It's not only to get good marks for your teacher or parents,
It's for your whole life
Studying is the key to understand the world,
Studying is the basic thing to build up your opinion,
Studying is a special quality in the mind of humans.
The girl becomes an authoress then,
She wants that nobody do the same error like her.
Ten Thinking and Dreaming Exercises for Creativity and Innovation
- Read with pen and notebook in hand; jot down any idea that comes into your consciousness.
- Keep a notebook in which you can keep track of ideas, by your bed and in your car.
- Write one idea down on a piece of paper and brainstorm any thought that comes from it: how to accomplish the idea, what to do about the idea, where to use the idea, who can help you implement the idea, and any other thought that enters your mind.
- Read a non-fiction book every week. Read magazines, journals, online articles, all-the-time.
- Clip articles and place them in a folder of related articles or ideas. Periodically, glance through the folder.
- Create “idea files” in most folders in your computer. Create an idea or to-do file in your email program. Add ideas as they come to you.
- Take time to stare out your window (if your setting deserves attention), play with a desk toy, take a quiet walk. Do any rote activity that allows thoughts to swirl through your mind.
- Encourage your staff and coworkers to do all of the above and share ideas with each other at “think” or brainstorm sessions. Schedule annual retreats or off-site meetings to plan and generate ideas.
- Develop an employee suggestion process.
- Schedule think weeks, think days, or think hours for yourself or your work group.
Thinking time and learning time are both critical to creativity and innovation. The old adage: “stop to smell the roses” is true for both your current work and your career. Take time to plant and harvest the ideas that fuel your progress and success.
Adapted from: