Ways of studying
1- Keep a vocabulary notebook and write translations, phonetics and example sentences in it. ( )
2- Study the grammar from the last lesson before the next lesson. ( )
3- Ask your teacher questions when you don’t understand. ( )
4- Watch TV programmes and films in English. ( )
5- Listen to the radio/music in English. ( )
6- Keep a diary in English. ( )
7- Try to learn three or four new words every day. ( )
8- Practise English with other people via email or the Internet. ( )
9- Talk to other students outside class in English. ( )
10- Revise regularly. ( )
11- Read graded English Readers. ( )
12- Use an English-English dictionary. ( )
13- Put lists of English words on the wall in your bedroom. ( )
14- Use CD-Roms to learn and revise your English. ( )
15- Take a holiday in an English-speaking country. ( )
16- Read magazines / newspapers / websites in English. ( )
17- Write something in English every day. ( )
18- Ask yourself regularly ‘How would I say that in English?’ ( )
19- Ask other people for tips on how to learn effectively. ( )
20- Buy a grammar practice book. ( )
21- Test yourself with new vocabulary. ( )
) Tick the methods that you use.
( * ) Asterisk the methods that you want to try in the future
( x ) Cross the methods that don’t work for you.
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